Friday, April 10, 2009

This Notebook Will Be A Window To The Madness

I have compiled a notebook about anything and everything that comes to my mind. Any and every subject will come into question, eventually...
I had just come back from a hiking trip in the Appalachian Mountains and thought of an idea for a minor story arc which had three friends going to the countryside (West Virginia). I hadn't developed anything more than an opening line parodying John F. Kennedy's "we ask God's blessing on this most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure of which man has ever embarked".
I came with an idea about a fictional bar named "The Glory Hole" and the owner wouldn't know until the end of a story arc after one of their patrons comments about being scared of going into the bathroom. The owner of course realizes to change the name into his favorite show and coincidentally his dogs name "Twilight-zone" changing the name of the establishment into "The Dogging Zone".
Was working on a dysfunctional family set-up where none of the characters would be sane or just barely enough to function in real life activities, somehow it resembles my family in an uncanny way. The mother character lives in a "world" of her own, clutching on to her past in high school life where she made a perfect grade point average going on to college and marrying her high school sweet heart turning out to be...The father character, depressed over his physical features and lack of achievements takes out his wraith on the rest of the family regularly abusing the family emotionally. The dad often will be only challenged by the older son who is an irregularity being extremely intelligent applying his knowledge to help the family continue as a functioning family unit in the United States. His attempts at trying to integrate the rest of the family is constantly being undermined by the middle brother.

I'll start with the middle brother's background on another day,
With regards, Jzenith

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